Sleepy Time!

Not to spit in the wind or anything, but the boy has been sleeping better for the last week or so. We started a new strategy with which we are having some success. To start with, I'm resigned for the time being to the fact that nursing him down is the best method for getting him to sleep at night. Don't get me wrong, I love the bonding time with him, but there's a part of me that's freaked out by the thought he'll be 3 years old and still needing the boob to get to sleep (hopefully, this is an irrational fear). But, for now, it's fine. It works for both of us. The next part of our strategy is based on the premis that he does indeed go to bed with a very full tummy, so if he's waking up, it's probably not hunger related. Previously I was getting up to nurse him 2 or 3 times a night (this is from 5 months on)...just to get him back down. Exhausting! So, if he wakes up in the middle of the night now I put the 10 minute timer on him. I will let him cry up until 10 minutes to put himself back to sleep. Anything beyond that is worth an investigation. Guess what? He's never made it past the 8 minute mark yet. Usually, he only goes 3 or 4 minutes. After 3 nights of trying this we've had 8, 9, 10, and 11 hour sleep stretches. Eureka! CJ and I are just trying to catch up on our sleep before the next regression comes along. Naps have improved as well. He's typically taking a morning and an afternoon nap. Sometimes they're only 30 or 40 minutes, but it's still an improvement! Check him out above actually falling asleep during a yogurt snack!