A Momentous Week

The holiday craze has continued at the Tiny Tyrant's household. The time is really getting away from me now and most of of the time I feel like a real nut for putting forth all these efforts to create the "perfect" holiday season for Collin. I mean, he's not going to remember it after all!
But, the big news here this week is that Collin took his first real steps this past Tuesday! I missed it because I was at work, but CJ was home taking caring of him and I'm glad one of us got to see it first hand. Since Tuesday I've seen him take a bunch more steps and he's pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. It's almost like he's saying..."yeah...so what I'm walking?
Tonight was a fun family dinner at Aunt Sue's since my cousin Tessa is visiting from the Florida Keys for a few days. Collin received his first Christmas gifts from Tess. He hasn't seemed to catch on to the whole concept of receiving gifts yet, which is a good thing I guess. On the other hand, he just seems to assume everything is his for the taking anyway! The poor thing also has his first official cold. His nose is running like a sieve and he really gets a kick out of licking up as much of his own snot as possible. We've basically made it a whole year with no illnesses, so I'm not complaining. Not too shabby!

Oh man, Collin is going to be on the run now. This is when the real fun starts! p.s. Thanks for the shout out! - Stephanie www.mesocrafty.wordpress.com
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