It's Been A While!
The whole holiday season definitely got away with me this year! I've made several attempts to write some posts the last few weeks and just never got it done. I can't lie...I'm glad the season is behind us. We also celebrated the boy's BIG ONE birthday on New Year's Eve. I'll just try to catch up with the next few posts.
Last you heard from me we were adjusting to our new heating system...well, things have improved on that front, but we've still got some minor heating issues. The last 2 nights I've woken up in what feels like the Sahara because our heat shot up to 77 degrees in our bedroom. CJ is like a pitbull when it comes to these things (aka contractors)...which is a good thing because I would have just given up a long time ago.
The boy is now officially a WALKER. He walks everywhere with wild and giddy abandon. There seemed to be little transition time. He just woke up one morning and did it. He moves at a pretty quick clip too, so I have no doubt that he'll soon be running. Not only that, he seems to be really learning stuff all of the sudden. He'll do things if you ask him to. Like tonight I asked him to go to his dad's office and knock on his door....and he actually did it! It's hard to believe he's one.
Here's a couple of pics from the last weeks...

Leah got one of those drums for Christmas a few years back. She still plays with it once it a while. Happy birthday to your little guy!
- Stephanie
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