The Collin Chronicles: Tales of a Tiny Tyrant

On December 31st 2005 my husband CJ and I became the proud parents of a gorgeous baby boy we named Collin. Needless to say life has been a rollercoaster ride since then! This blog will document the ups and downs of living with the tiny tyrant who now rules our lives!

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Hip Hammock

Eureka! We've discovered the hip hammock! CJ randomly brought it home from Babies R Us last week on a whim. I was a bit dubious about trying any other kind of sling contraption because thus far Collin has not taken to any of them. For the next baby we will definitely be trying the whoe sling thing very early on to get the baby adapted quickly. Anyway, Collin freakin loves this thing. I mean what's not to love, he's carried around on my hip like the little king that he is. Not only does the kid love it,it seems (not to spit in the wind) as though it is a sure nap inducer. Twenty minutes of bopping around in this thing and he's out cold. The downside is that I can't figure out a way to wrangle him out of it and place him in the crib without a wake-up. I've taken this as a sign that I am just meant to nap with him. So today, once he was passed out, I just eased my way onto the couch and we took a nice little snuggled up nap. On the night time sleeping front, I had a reassuring conversation with my neighbor today. She nursed all 3 of her kids for a year each and she said she always nursed them down to sleep and that that they just naturally phased out of needing it to go to bed. This has given me some hope that we are not permanently resigning Collin to a life of sleep disorders because we don't put him down awake at night. I think I'm just coming to the conclusion that you do what it takes to make it work.


Blogger Chicky said...

We loved the hip hammock with #2. We still use it sometimes at 14 months.
Sleeping we did in phases. We bottle fed, since Connor was 13 weeks early, and just never got the hang of breastfeeding. He literally slept on me the first few months. Once he began sleeping thru the night, we would feed him to sleep, holding him , and when he was GOOD and asleep (floppy-armed), we would put him in his crib. If he woke, he would get soothed back to sleep (shhhshing, patting, rubbing). Always with a routine beforehand-bath, story, massage-not all necessary, but definitely the same each night. Once we had that mastered (a good couple of weeks), we started putting him to bed a bit earlier each night. When we got to 8pm, we would put him down not so asleep, but good and drowsy. Then a week (roughly) later, a little bit more awake, but soothing him the rest of the way asleep. This took about a week too. After about a month, month and a half, we could get him ready for bed, feed him, and put him in bed awake-no bottle, but he did have either a pooh that played soft music or the fisher price aquarium with soft lights and music. Now, he's 3 1/2, and he goes right to bed, sleeps well, and despite our best efforts, wakes up at 6:45 am each day. Can't have them all, huh? Sorry to hijack your comments, but it does take time, and it helps them so much later on. Good luck!!

1:57 AM  

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