Are you ready for some football?

Anyone who knows us knows that we are a football household. I've been a Cleveland Browns fan since I was a little girl and my husband is a long time Dallas Cowboy follower. Football is actually one of the things that really drew us to each other...we're both very passionate fans. I take an annual "road trip" to Cleveland once a year with some girlfriends to see my team play in their home stadium. CJ has been known to go into a 3 day funk over a Cowboy loss. So, it's no surprise that there has been some heated competiton between us to see who can woo Collin over to our own preferred team. Not to mention that we have other interested parties (i.e. Raider and Giant fans) trying to bring him over to the dark side. Yes, we are starting early! I feel that in the long run Collin will be a Brown's fan because he will know that I gave him life and he owes me. Don't little boys always love their mother's more? If that's the case, then he's a little Brownie through and through. But, who knows? CJ is definitely taking a more subtle and subversive approach.
To celebrate the start of the season we dressed the boy up in multiple outfits representing each of our teams. The boy HATES getting dressed or undressed, so this was not a pleasant experience for him. It's sad to say though that our teams went 0 and 2 for week 1. We're hoping it goes uphill from here. GO BROWNS!
No little boys do not like their moms team. I have 5 and only 1 is a hardcore Cowboys fan, the other roots for both, and the rest, like their dad, are Steelers fams. In fact my 8 year old drew with chalk Steelers symbols all over my friend Melissa's house and on her sidewalk. Like me she is a Cowboys fan. She told my son he better hose that Steeleer's stuff down. Good luck, but when it comes to sports, this seems to be a bonding issue with dad's and there sons.
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