The Collin Chronicles: Tales of a Tiny Tyrant

On December 31st 2005 my husband CJ and I became the proud parents of a gorgeous baby boy we named Collin. Needless to say life has been a rollercoaster ride since then! This blog will document the ups and downs of living with the tiny tyrant who now rules our lives!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Baby Blogging

I read a very interesting post on baby blogging yesterday and thought it did a great job of articulating my very own thoughts on the whole matter. One of the concerns some family members had about me writing this blog was the very real possibility that some sickos out there (paedophiles) could use Collin's pictures to their own ends The thought of it disturbs me as well. But, the truth of the matter is that even if that happens Collin is not actually hurt by it. Sadly enough, as the statistics tell us there is a much greater chance of Collin being harmed, be it physically or sexually, by someone in our own circle.

As far as baby blogging goes, why should I not post pictures of my gorgeous kid so that family and friends can enjoy? The writer over at Alas, a blog makes a great point in that the whole issue is comparable to the "rape prevention" tactics that women are taught. Instead of working to actually hold rapists accountable for their actions, our culture teaches women to work their lives around the possibility of being raped in order to protect themselves. Don't get me wrong, any form of child pornography is completely unacceptable, but should we alter our lives around a fear of them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you said something. People have said the same thing to me about my blogging, "Don't you think that's unsafe?" Shoot, all I have to do is walk outside my door for something bad to happen. There are so many positives about blogging. It is a creative process, you become part of a community, you meet new people, the list goes on. I love it and it is one of the best things I had ever done for myself. You are absolutely right - you cannot live in fear. Live every day joyously. Keep blogging!

9:56 PM  

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