Well, that weekend is upon us and I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a weekend in the glorious city of Cleveland. This will be the 7th Annual Girl's Road Trip to Cleveland. Actually, now that we are all women of more means we fly rather then do the drive. I am a die hard Cleveland Browns fan (to be a Browns fan at all, you must be die-hard) and once a year I drag some very good friends with me so I can see my team play in their home stadium. Many people ask, how do I manage to drag these people to Cleveland, of all places, to watch a football game? Frankly, I don't really know why they keep doing it...the Riccardi sisters are football fans themselves, so that helps. When it comes to Chau...I have no idea. Over the years we have managed to teach her a bit about the sport and she has a good time imitating the refs. She is a good sport and it is a lot of fun. Good food, good drinks, and good company. One of our Riccardi girls just can't make it this year, but another friend, Sharon, is jumping on board to take her place. Wa-Hoo!
The highlight of last year's trip was a 7 months pregnant me standing outside the player's exit with a picture of Collin's ultrasound screaming "Sign my baby's ultrasound...Please!" The tiny pictures below really don't do the moment any justice, but I couldn't re-size them. You get the idea. Of course, the difference this time around is that Collin is here and this is the first time I am leaving him....for 2 whole nights. I don't know if I want to dance a jig or cry. I am prepared to do both the whole weekend. I am bringing a mini-stack of books from my pile of To Be Reads and hope to catch up on my other favorite pastime...losing myself in a book.
My husband is a very good man and one thing I don't need to worry about is how well Collin will be taken care of. But, I am really going to miss the boy and I am a bit freaked out that he will forget who I am! He has become kind of like my little buddy...my constant companion....my shadow!
Not to mention, I am pretty pissy about having to drag the breast pump with me! Look for my post on Monday to see how we all fared.

Over the years, it's become less about football (for me) and more about spending time with good friends. I tell you though, we need to plan an annual girls trip to the Caribbean. I'll help plan it!
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