9 Month Stats

We took Collin for his 9 month check-up today and he is hale and hearty. It's been a tough week for the little chief...teeth coming in up top, 6-8 poops a day, corelating diaper rash, and the first injury that actually drew blood. All in all, he's holding it together pretty well. Notice in the picture he is holding a crunched up piece of paper and looking very guilty.This is because he likes to eat paper and that he is not supposed to.
Today he weighed in at 22lbs and 6 oz (75th percentile) and measured 29.8 inches (88th percentile). The one downer is that his head seems to be a bit on the big size (I think this trait comes from Daddy). It measures at 46.7 centimeters which puts him at the 83rd percentile. It's just a big jump since his 6 month check-up when he was at the 56th percentile. The doctor thinks that it can probably be accounted for by a measurement error the last time around. So, she wants to see him in 6 weeks just to check his rate of growth. Just one more thing for this already very paranoid Mommy to worry about! Throughout the check up Collin just kind of stared bug-eyed at the doctor. When I asked about food the doctor said he can basically be eating whatever we eat, just shredded or mushed up. We've been going pretty slow with the whole food thing due to allergy concerns (CJ had some pretty bad childhood allergies), but I'm thinking it's time to ramp it up. Collin is displaying very little interest in baby food at this point. He just wants whatever we have. I gave him some of my Wendys chilli the other night and he LOVED it! The best thing I've given him so far is a honey crisp apple. I just discivered them myself and whenever I have an apple I let Collin knaw on it a bit. Well, when he got his hands on that honey crisp apple he just about lost his shit. He FREAKED out when I tried to take it away. I mean, he went to town on this thing. He kind of looked like a rabid squirrel knawing on a nut. It's about the only food we've tried that has ellicited any kind of real excitement.
The boy continues to learn new tricks at an alarming rate. He is now waving and clapping at will. He seems to know what these things mean as well. He's also standing up on his own more and more. I've been trying desperately to get a picture or videotape him in action, but he plays coy. It's also dawned on him that when we start going up the stairs and head into his room it probably means one of two things...he is either about to be changed or put to bed. He does not care for either of these things and gets his point across quite easily with arm flapping and screeches.
I can make you feel better about his head I think. Avery is 50/50 on height and weight, and 97th (!!!!) on head.
Those nurse's measuring is so hokey, I wouldn't let it worry you just yet!
LOVE the guilty look for eating paper.
The photo is pricess!
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