This is what the boy generally looks like by the time we are done changing him these days. He used to love laying on his changing table and "talking" to the sticker cows and pigs on the wall while we changed his diaper or outfit. Now, it is our most dreaded task. I shudder to think what the neighbors must be saying when they hear him wailing at the TOP of his lungs several times a day. It's not just a general pissed off cry either. He screams like we're actually hurting him. The only thing that convinces me we aren't hurting him is that the second we are done changing him he is all smiles again. This is a task that has gone from taking us 3-5 minutes to an absolutely horrid 10 minutes or more. Collin twists, turns, thrashes, and gnashes his teeth like a little dragon. CJ has become adept at actually changing him while Collin is standing up in his crib or even in a crawling position. This is something the little tyrant finds very funny. I have had to actually remove myself from the situation a couple of times because it gets so frustrating. I mean, of all the things to get so pissed off about! There is some good news though. I think that last night was the first night in his entire life (all 9 months of it) that Collin "put" himself to sleep. Usually by the time I'm done nursing him at right before bedtime he is out cold. But, when I put him down last night he just snapped himself awake. I literally ran from the room because I didn't want him to realize I was still there. I was anxiously awaiting the crying to begin, when to my surprise he just started babbling to himself. He did this pretty contentedly for about 15 minutes and then he was out for the night. I'm hoping this is the next step on his path to sleep maturity!
I am having the exact same problem! She HATES getting changed now and didn't used to mind at all... what is the deal? It makes me dread doing it.
My husband starting giving her a diaper to play with, and it worked. Distractions are always good :)
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