9 Months

It is hard to believe that Little C will be 9 months old in just a couple of days. Time has really flown. Whenever I see little tiny babies I can hardly imagine that Collin was once that tiny too. These days he seems larger than life. He is into EVERYTHING! Nothing is safe. He wants to explore every nook and cranny of the house it seems. He has started to really cruise around the furniture and I wouldn't be surprised if he skips walking altogether and just starts to RUN one of these days. One thing that has not changed is his emphatic personality, as I like to call it. He is not one to sit idly by while his needs go unmet. He BELLOWS his needs at the top of his lungs...rather like his father in that respect. I see it as a good thing actually. I don't see him as a child who will not speak up for himself when he needs to. If anything, I think his couth will just need some fine tuning....also like his father in some respects!
Every week continues to bring new milestones. This week Collin has really started to wave at us, other people, and every inanimate object that catches his eye. He doesn't seem to exactly know what he's doing just yet...that waving can be a form of communication and greeting, but I don't think that knowledge is too far behind. Our family is really getting into the swing of fall now. The bulbs arrived in the mail yesterday and hopefully they will be planted this week. The Halloween decorations will be going up next week. The basement is on it's way to being transformed into a scrapping/play area mecca (pictures to come). We're thinking of painting it something in the tangerine family. This weekend beings the big D.C. trip and National Book Festival. I'll be sure to post about that over at The Written Word.
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