Road Tripping

Well, we're off to D.C. this weekend for the National Book Festival. Not that he will remember any of it, but this will be Collin's first trip to our nation's capital. I am hoping that someday he will return as the president (and a progressive/feminest president at that)! There's bound to be plenty of fodder for the scrapbook by the end of this weekend. I spent most of yesterday packing up for the little man. Who knew that one little person would require so much gear for a 3 day weekend? Besides the book festival we'll be visiting with some friends who live in the area. These are friends who have small children themselves, so it will be a nice change to socialize with people who can commiserate! We're staying across the river in Old Town, Alexandria and have booked a nice sized suite (a lesson learned from our California travels). I'm sure there will be plenty to blog about on both the baby and book front. Look for my festival posts over at The Written Word. I probably won't post until Monday when we laptops on this trip!
I am SO jealous (actually, Chau and I are both jealous)! Can we come with you next year? Oh, and if you meet that guy who wrote The Kite Runner and you tell him that I love him? Please?
If you can- stop by this place tomorrow- it is great for cash poor book lovers like me- The American Insitute of Architects is clearancing a ton of COOOL books this saturday at their National Headquarters- Books about architecture art, history, ecerything(I just got the $60 Jefferson LOC Building book for $8!) I do not think they are doing much advertising- and there were stacks of Frank LLoyd Wright, furniture books, Gehry, textiles- so cheap! how tos, gardening, environmental... they are off of 17th street NW- New York avenue by the Octagon and the west wall of the white House. The sign said open 10-2 Saturday- Hope this helps someone!
What an awesome experience. Hope you have a great time.
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