We Made It!

Greetings from San Diego! We've all arrived in one piece and are raring (relatively) to go on our first full day. Actually getting to the airport was probably the most stressful part of the day...about 20 minutes after we hit the road I realized we forgot the stroller and we needed to head back. That 40 minute detour made things a little too tight for my liking.
The flight went just about as well as can be expected when travelling with a 6-month old. Collin nursed for about half the flight in total and the rest of the time was just a superhuman effort to keep him entertained. Pretty exhausting! Despite bringing several new toys for him, Collin decided that he liked ripping up and eating the Continental Magazine as his favorite activity.
Our hotel is a Best Western and who knew this chain could have such charm? We're right on a marina and they upgraded our room to a suite with a view because the one we booked was not available. The extra room with Collin is great. Unfortunately the crib they provide is a little on the dingy/institutional side, so Collin didn't make in there too long last night. We'll give it another shot tonight.
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